Monday, 17 June 2013

And the point of CQC is?

So it's been a while since i've updated my blog (a lot going on!)

Now you all know my story, What did I do next? Well it's a long process, working with Trading Standards to hopefully get justice for me and anyone else who is caught up in Victor's games!

I'm trying so hard to turn my negative experiences with care into something I can use in a positive way to help others, now I run my own team of carers and it's great having that independence back but I won't be able to rest until I get closure.

I'm currently looking for a lawyer which is hard, the area seems so specialised. So please if anyone reads this who thinks they could help, please do! Unfortunately I will have to apply for legal aid as I have little money- like most 22 year olds! But I really need to stop these type of things from happening.

In regards to the whole Victor case I finally got back in touch with the CQC investigator who was dealing with CARE. After 6 months of trying might I add. Things weren't going as I was led to believe.

Every time I rang the CQC, they would tell me that a formal investigation was underway and I should contact the officer who was in charge of case. However when I finally spoke to her she sounded confused. There was no investigation. What?!

Apparently, when she did her last routine inspection CARE passed which meant there was no cause for concerns as my complaint was more a safeguarding issues not something that the CQC deal with. Huh?
I asked what was the point of the CQC if they weren't going to regulate properly? Officer explained that as CARE have passed their last inspection (which only covered 3 outcomes as opposed to a full set might i add) and that it was the CQC's duty to make sure that organisations fulfil outcomes. This is outrageous  I was told for 6 months there was an investigation to then be told there wasn't one as 'CARE had fulfilled outcomes' - what a joke! And the irony is that one of the outcomes is about respect for the client which CARE quite clearly lack, but no it is fine. On previous reports posted online I also found the same patterns of abuse and complaints that I had suffered myself. And these reports were published in 2011. So it was clear CARE were up to their old tricks but apparently the so called Care Quality Commission won't help. Although they did tell me to contact the provider, yeah because that is wise *rolls eyes*

After my fury with the CQC I contacted safeguarding. Again bad luck, as I was now deemed safe there was and is no need for them to be involved as Trading Standards are dealing with it. But as my TS officer says, to get him good I NEED a lawyer as she can not deal with emotional damages, so please somebody help?!!!

Update soon


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