The dreaded wait...
.... So I was sat in the foyer of the hotel waiting to meet with Victor who was still refusing to meet with me, I was sat with Louise and my boyfriend getting more anxious at the fact that Victor was holding a meeting about me without me knowing anything. I watched more CARE employee's walk past me all asking me to leave but I stuck by my guns and waited.
After what seemed like an eternity, I saw his wife walk through the hotel doors in my direction.
(Can I just point out that I had met with this woman before as Victor had decided to hold a VERY private meeting with Sophie and his wife, despite the fact that the wife was not even involved in the company about me in the MIDDLE OF A TRAIN STATION, without me being present.)
She then instructed that I must leave as Victor was not willing to meet with me. I then explained that I had to show him a document as told by my social worker Dan. The conversation soon escalated into an argument. She finally took my document and sniggered.
I was furious, this woman who was not even a part of my team was laughing at me. It was like my life was one big joke and I was stuck in some kind of sick game. Soon after I left to go home and waited for my next carer to begin her shift.
Sarah came in, Sarah had just been present at the 'mysterious meeting.' I asked her what happened but she answered by saying that I will know soon. After about an hour I finally got her to open up, Victor had dropped me. I was to leave his company as soon as possible. I was stunned. Not only had he'd sort of confirmed everything I ever though of him, but he hadn't even bothered to tell me first. His client, the paying customer.
Of course Sarah swore me to secrecy, that I must not let on that know. which I respected as I did not want her to get into trouble with this oversized bully. Sarah told me that I should receive an email in the next few hours stating why and what was going to happen next. She also told me that Victor had spoken to social services and they were happy with this decision. This was Friday evening.
Saturday morning, I emailed Victor asking him if he had looked at my plans and when we could start the proceeding for my proposed arrangement. By late morning I received a reply which said "Please see attached" I opened the PDF attachment.
And there it was, the letter. ironically dated yesterday's date. (clearly for comic value). It read a little like this:
Dear Beatrice,
I am writing to inform you that We feel that us at CARE can no longer fulfil your needs and due to the lack of respect from yourself, We feel it is best to implement clause 12.1 "we reserve the right to withdraw the service with immediate effect if the service becomes untenable."
I would like to add that we will not withdraw until there is other provisions in place.
Regards Victor
Obviously in reality the letter was written over 5 pages and contained a lot of untrue allegations and just general rubbish.
I simply acknowledged receipt of the email and asked him for a date from which he was withdrawing as I needed to know how long I had to employ my own PA's. There was no response.
Monday Morning, I rang social worker Dan. He had only just found out the news and no such conversation had happened between Social Services and Victor on that Friday.
Just wow.
Things were about to get more ridiculous. As if that was even possible.
For Now,
Bea x
Note from Me: I really do hope that this Blog is helping to raise awareness about these 'care companies. I one day hope that Victor will no longer be able to practice, I really hope that NO ONE ELSE has to be subjected to his games.
Dear Bea, you are a very brave lady sharing your terrible experience with others. I think the way forward is raising awareness to stop bad practice in the care sector. Keep it coming. Looking forward to he next instalment. Take care, SJ xx